Ravings of a Book Junkie

An avid reader, if books were sustenance I'd be fat as a hog. I mainly read dark urban fantasies, but like to mix things up book-wise, just never enough time to read all the books I want to read!

One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)

One Foot in the Grave - Jeaniene Frost The sequel to Halfway to the Grave, this book is as exciting and fun as the first, if not more so. It's been 4 years since Cat has left her lover, the master-vampire, Bones, behind. Working as a federal agent for a secret division of Homeland Security, she has ruthlessly trained the men in her unit to kill rogue vampires. Failing to kill her last target, a vampire named Liam Flannery, Cat finds herself targeted for inclusion into his collection of the rare and unusual. All this, and she's also helping to plan her best friend's wedding, too. The thing I love most about this book is the relationship between Cat & Bones. Their scenes together are such fun to read and I'm glad to have read the infamous chapter 32, omg, what a terrifically hot read!