This was my first time reading anything by this author and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed her book. I say "surprised" because 'Touched' is not a dark urban fantasy like my usual fare tends to be. I learned about 'Touched' from a book blurb via one of my RSS subscriptions that piqued my interest enough to check it out from my local library,
Within the first chapter it was obvious I had a good story in my hands. We're introduced to the town of Jexville, Mississippi whose townsfolk are sweltering under the heat of summer and oppressive beliefs. It's 1926 and things like dancing, laughing, and being a woman of strength and individuality are not welcomed. It is into this environment that 16yo mail order bride, Mattie, comes to be married to the town barber, Elikah, a man as handsome as he is twisted.
Anyway, not to write a spoiler, I'll just say that this book touches on how evil can lie disguised under righteousness and religion and that fear and bigotry can lead to disastrous, final actions. If, like me, you've never read a Carolyn Haines book I'd say this is a good place to start, the story is a page turner and the characters of Mattie, Duncan, Johanna and Floyd are the kind that will stay with you even after you've read the last page.